Agency Name Rise Up Development Collective
Categories International
Contact Name Jeremy Joe Kirshbaum
Agency Email
Agency Address Permanent Office: 14005 Quaker Hill Cross Road, Nevada City, CA, 95959 Mailing: PO Box 10848, Oakland, CA 94610
Agency Phone (530) 913 0364
Web Address
Office Hours
Distance from Campus
Nearest Bus Lines
Mission Statement A Place of Hardship and Beauty: Wli Todzi is a village of 2500 men, women, and children in the forests of eastern Ghana. Surrounded by lush forests, rivers, and populated by kind people, at first glance the village is a sanctuary. However, life in the village is extremely difficult. Wli Todzi is located on the top of a mountain 3000 feet above the valley below, at one of the highest points in West Africa. However, there is no reliable access road to the village- there is a small footpath leading to the village, stretching almost 8 miles and at points rising nearly vertically. This is how people and supplies get to and from the village. Although the people of Wli Todzi are incredibly strong, and many people climb the mountain everyday with hard- to- get supplies such as toothbrushes, sanitary pads, or cement, the path is hard and dangerous. The people of Wli Todzi are subsistence farmers- they grow food for survival and sell what they can for things they can't grow. Although by ingenuity and determination they are able to survive, all of their time is needed for farming, if their families are going to remain healthy. The Wli Todzi Clinic Project- Allowing a People Freedom From Fear: The Wli Todzi Clinic Project is an effort by Rise Up Development Collective to get a permanent and functioning health clinic in Wli Todzi. Currently, if someone is seriously sick or injured, they must be carried down the 3000 foot mountain on stretcher. This is especially dangerous for women in labor- women die every year making the descent. Although the people of Wli Todzi cannot advocate for themselves, as there are no computers or cell phone service in the village, they still deserve freedom from the fear that comes from lacking even basic health services. With your help, we can build the Wli Todzi Hospital Clinic, and supply the training and resources to stop the constant meaningless deaths that are easily preventable with basic health access.
Volunteer Duties There are many different volunteer opportunities available with RUDC, including publicity, administration, accounting, legal, event planning, fundraising and more. We are a collective, so people have a chance to decide their own level and nature of involvement, however, a commitment of at least 5 hours a week is expected.
Notes 11/12/14